Wallowa County Public Transit
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Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) for Wallowa County
Background on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund
Section 122 of Keep Oregon Moving (Oregon House Bill 2017) established a new dedicated source of funding for expanding public transportation service in Oregon. This new funding source is called the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund, or STIF. The Oregon Transportation Commission adopted the Oregon Administrative Rules to implement the STIF on June 22 and the rules became effective on July 1, 2018.
Purpose of HB2017 Transit Funding
• Intended to expand public transportation services in Oregon, not to backfill existing fund.
• Flexible statewide funds intended for all forms of transit, with emphasis on general public transit.
• Goals of HB 2017: expand access to jobs, improve mobility, relieve congestion, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
• Special focus on low-income populations.
“STIF” – Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund – statewide fund established by HB2017 to receive and distribute the new public transit employee tax revenues, and may also receive other funds from the Legislature in the future.
“Qualified Entity” – Mass Transit District, Transportation District, County Government, or Federally-recognized Indian Tribe which will receive funds from the STIF.
“Public Transportation Provider” – a Qualified Entity, city, county, special district, intergovernmental entity or other public entity that provides public transportation services (not a non-profit)
“Advisory Committee” – committee appointed by the Qualified Entity governing body (BOC) to advise and assist them in reviewing the STIF Plan, prioritizing projects, and recommending funding.
“STIF Plan” – means the local plan required by HB2017 which has been reviewed by an Advisory Committee and adopted by the local governing body.
HB 2017 Transit Program Components
Establishes Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) to fund:
• Formula Program 90% – allocated to Qualified Entities based on distribution of employee tax where employees work. Planning, administration, transit operations, facilities, capital vehicles, equipment, and technology are eligible for funding.
• Discretionary Program 5% – Statewide competitive grant program for capital vehicles, facilities, equipment, technology, planning, and research. Ongoing operations are not eligible. Will require a 10% local match.
• Inter-Community Grant Program 4% – Statewide competitive grant for transit service connecting communities. Ongoing operations will be eligible for funding along with all other activities. The OTC will set priorities for this program.
• ODOT Technical Resource Center 1% – to administer the statewide programs and provide assistance to local agencies with planning and data gathering.
Wallowa County STIF Advisory Commitee Members:
- Caprice Locke, Committee Chair – Person with Disabilities Representative
- Dimetri Hardesty, Committee Vice-Chair – Public Transportation Provider Representative
- John Hillock, Wallowa County Commissioner – Local Government Representative
- Jeanne Vice – Age 65 or Older Representative
- Glenn Smith – Public Health
- Ted Thorne – Veteran Representative
- Karolyn Doss – Lower Valley Representative
- Aimmee Legget – Employer