In-Home Care (OPI and VA)
We get by with a little help from a friend
Oregon Project Independence (OPI) is a statewide program designed for non-Medicaid eligible, elderly, Oregon residents and individuals that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related condition. This program provides participants with supervision in their homes, as well as assistance with mobility, grooming, preparation of food, shopping for essentials, and more.
What are the benefits and services of an in-home care receiver program?
This program is intended to reduce Medicaid funded, nursing home placements for the elderly, as well as individuals with Alzheimer’s. Therefore, services are provided to individuals in their homes with the goal of increasing or maintaining the beneficiary’s independence.
Services may include the following:
- Assistive Technology, such as walkers and wheelchairs
- Case Management – Options Counseling, Information and Assistance
- Personal Care – assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, etc.)
- Home Care – meal preparation, minor housekeeping, grocery shopping
- Meal Delivery
- Respite Care – In-home and Out-of-home
- Transportation Assistance

This program provides participants with supervision in their homes, as well as assistance with mobility, grooming, preparation of food, shopping for essentials, and more.

What are the in-home care eligibility guidelines?
- VA clients are approved directly through the VA. Please see their website for details.
- Must be at least 60 years old.
- Must be receiving Medicare
- OR if under the age of 60, one must have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or related dementia, including Multi-Infarct Dementia (MID), Parkinson’s Disease, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH), Huntington’s Disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Pick’s Disease, Wilson’s Disease, Progressive Supranculear Palsy, and inoperable brain tumors. In addition, because of the cognitive deficits that can be related to Multiple Sclerosis, this diagnosis is also included.
- Must be an Oregon resident.
- Must require the level of care typically provided in a nursing home.
- Cannot reside in a nursing home, assisted living community, residential care facility, or adult foster home.
- Cannot be eligible for receiving services through Oregon Medicaid.
Co-payments and more info
Please Note: Hourly OPI co-payments are based on the State’s Sliding Fee Scale. Co-payments are determined by a client’s gross income after approved medical deductions are removed (Adjusted Gross Income). Many clients are not charged a co-payment. Some clients will have a one-time fee of $25. OPI has no state recovery or estate claiming.