Meals that are delivered to homebound clients are critical to maintaining independence and allowing clients to remain in their own homes. Home-delivered meals are often the first in-home service that an older adult receives, and the program is a primary access point for other home and community-based services. Individuals who receive home-delivered meals tend to have more health problems than congregate participants do, and may have become homebound because of increasing age or short- or long-term health problems.
*Homebound: When leaving home is a major effort, and leaving home unassisted is not normally possible. When leaving home, it must be to get medical care, or for infrequent non-medical reasons, such as a trip to get a haircut, attend religious service, adult day care, etc…
In order to provide meals to a homebound older person, nutrition service providers must determine eligibility for home-delivered meals and any other appropriate services by conducting an assessment.
Eligible participants make a voluntary contribution. No eligible person is refused service who is unable to contribute. The Meals on Wheels program is only partially funded by federal grants, covering about 25% of the cost of the program. Therefore, the program depends heavily on participant contributions, and donations from individuals and businesses in order to continue delivering meals.
Senior Programs serviced by the county
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