Meal Sites and Senior Nutrition

We serve lunch up to five days a week at our community centers.

Community meals are great for at least one nutritious meal daily, but also for social interaction! We provide a gathering place to meet friends, dance, play cards, watch movies, play bingo, and much more! All meal sites are open to the public.

Check our Community Center pages for menus and events at each center.

Need a meal but can’t make it to a Community Center? Try our Meals on Wheels page.

What is a senior meal site?

Each of our centers have a variety of activities they host! We put on Bingo games, card games, movie nights, some locations have billiard tables, and so much more!

We also host educational classes put on by our staff and local partner agencies.

How much does a meal cost?

Eligible participants make a voluntary contribution. No eligible person is refused service who is unable to contribute. The Senior Nutrition program is only partially funded by federal grants, covering about 25% of the cost of the program. Each local meal site depends heavily on participant contributions, donations from individuals and business owners, and local fundraising efforts to provide service to every senior in attendance.

What about folks under 60?

If you’re under 60 you can still get a meal at a senior center! There’s just a small cost, typically around $8, to help support the program.

Ineligible participants can still get a meal! There’s just a small cost, typically around $8, to help support the program.

Who is an eligible participant?

Because this program is partially funded by federal funds, we must adhere to the Older Americans Act that provides this type of funding.

  • Individual who are 60 years of age and over, and their spouses, regardless of age.
  • Individuals with disabilities regardless of age who reside with an accompanying older adult who are eligible under the Older Americans Act.

How can I donate to this program?

This program wouldn’t exist without donations, so we really appreciate any one willing to contribute to feeding our community. We even have programs to give shout outs to local individuals and businesses in the center and on our social media, give your local center a call for details.

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