Union County Public Transit
Union County Navigation
Medical Rides in Union County
The following information is brought to you from the regional medical broker that we partner with to get your to your medical appointments:
Oregon Health Plan (OHP) offers members free rides to appointments.
Rides are available to Covered Services under the Oregon Health Plan. Services may be medical, behavioral health and dental. You must NOT have other ways to get to these services.
Call our Toll Free Number: 1-877-875-4657
How do I schedule a ride?
To schedule a ride, call the free ride program during their regular business hours. They are open Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm Pacific Time. The program is closed on major holidays.
If you ask ahead of time, it is easier to find you a ride. Calling us from 2 working days to 2 months is helpful. But you can schedule a ride up to 90 days in advance. If you have repeat appointments, such as therapy or dialysis, you can set up rides for 6 months at a time.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge. If you need assistance with mobility or for medical reasons, a caregiver may rider with you, at no cost.
When do I need to be ready for transportation?
Drivers have a 40-minute time window to pick you up. They may arrive 20 minutes before to 20 minutes after your scheduled pick-up time.
What do I need to have ready when I call?
- Full name
- Full street address
- Phone number or contact number
- Physician/Facility name
- Physician/Facility street address
- Physician/Facility phone number
- Date of appointment
- Time of appointment
- Pick-up time after appointment
- Medical/purpose of appointment
- Any special needs, such as using a wheelchair
What if my plans change or I need to cancel my ride?
Call us immediately at 1-877-875-4657. If you call after hours, you can leave a message.
Who will be driving me?
There are multiple providers in most every county we serve. We typically select from a range of volunteer, public transit, and private providers based on:
* Which is most cost effective
* Which has the appropriate vehicle and/or equipment to serve you
* Which is available on the date and time of your appointment(s)
For these reasons, the provider who serves you on a Monday may (or may not) be the same one who serves you later in the week.
How do I request reimbursement?
The program can help with mileage, meals, and lodging costs if a travel day is long or you have to stay in lodging away from home.You must ask for this ahead of time. We will need your motel receipt. To be paid back, you will need to fill out a reimbursement form and have the staff at the clinic you visit sign it. You have up to 45 days to give us the form and receipt.
The program will review your form and receipt. We will send you a check within 30 days once your form is approved.
The program will contact you if your request needs more information.
The current payment rates are:
• 25 cents per mile
• Up to $12.00 a day for meals
• $40.00 a night for lodging